How To Remove Identical Music Files from Pc and Free up Disk Space

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We usuallydownload songsfrom various websites and may not be aware of downloading the same song once again on our computer. Duplicate orsimilarfiles are in most cases redundant and unnecessary, so keeping them is merely a waste of valuable hard disk space.Is your hard drive full of extra copies of audio files waiting to be removed ? Then all you need isSimilaritytool.Similaritywill help you reclaim your valuable disk space and organize yourmusic collection.Similarityis a free tool which helps you to findmusic fileswhich havesimilarmusic tags or file content. It not only scans the music file based on the music tag or file content, It actually scans the file based on thesimilarsound content. You can also adjust the sensitivity of searching criteria to find exact orsimilarfiles.How does it find thesimilarmusic files? What is the technology behind it ?Similarity tool finds the duplicatemusic filesusing the sound content comparison. Then what is File content comparison ?File content(Byte to Byte comparison), comparison that made bit by bit, two files identical if all bits in them are identical. This method of comparison useless in music duplicates finding, because, usually, duplicates have different sample rate, different bit rate or information tags, ie. different characteristics (which incompatible with byte to byte comparison).Sound content comparison(which uses Similarity) is different, first sound decoded to raw sound waves and after used in different mathematical calculations to get unique sound estimation (hash). What estimation used in comparison with other sound estimations. This method of comparison give much better results than simple byte to byte comparison or tag comparison.
Features of Similarity tool :
1. Support lossy formats: MP3, MP2, OGG, WMA, ASF, FLAC, APE, WF, WMA.
2. Tag editor and tag, file renaming tool.
3. Very fast sound content scanning. (approx 100 songs in 30 secs)
4. Three powerful comparing algorithms (content based, tags based and experimental).
5. Works with removable media devices like USB, etc.
6. Functionality of scanning multiple folders or disks.

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