How Can I Convert YouTube Songs To MP3

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You find one of your favorite song on Youtube, which you want in MP3, so that you can put it on your IPod or any other similar portable music player, but unfortunately you don’t find the MP3 version any where… What would you do in such a situation ? Give up saying you weren’t lucky enough or try and find a solution for this ?

There’s an experimental add-on for Firefox YouTube 2 MP3, will solve your problem. Since it is still in experimental stage you will be asked to register and this is a one time process. Once you are registered, visit the YouTube 2 MP3 plugin page and install the plugin. If you are in hurry and do not have time to register then you can directly go to Video 2 MP3 site and downlod the MP3 version of any YouTube song from there.

With a huge, rare collection on youtube, this is must have plugin for Music lovers, so take some time to register and install this plugin as it’ll prove benefitial if you plan to download more than one video-songs.

Once you install this plugin, you’ll find a ‘Convert and Download as MP3’ link near Youtube videos. If you click on the link you’ll be taken to a new page where you can downoad the MP3 version of the song from. The whole process is time consuming but, is definitely worth it if you want the MP3 badly !

There are other sites that provide you free service to convert

1> music on Youtube and MpSpace to MP3 like VidToMP3

How Can I Convert YouTube Songs To MP3

2> FLV to MP3

3> Video 2 MP3

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