Free Automatic Daily BackUp Utility (keep your PC safe all the time)

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Most people would agree that the most valuable things are there computer are data. However, very few people perform a nightly backup this leaves the most important stuff on your computer vulnerable to any number of problems that could occur.
Well now there is a solution and it is free for up to 2 GB of data. For most people that may not be enough. Well for $4.95, about the price of a gourmet cup of coffee or a couple of slices of pizza, you can backup your data. Why should I go with mozy:
>>it’s secure
>>it’s very easy to use. There is no complex setup or expensive items you need to purchase just there service if it is over 2 gb
>>it’s automatic. All you do is set it and forget.
>>it’s smart. You can set it up to only back up what has changed.
So here is the link: Free Online Backup site

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